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Collection: Reusable Wipes & Cloths

Reduce your reliance on single use wet wipes. But, let's be clear, it's difficult to say goodbye to disposable wipes altogether so maybe you could start using reusable wipes when you are at home. Did you know, wet wipes contain plastic(and cause up to 93% blockages in UK drains..look up 'fatberg') and can cause huge problems for wildlife in rivers, beaches and sea beds. The more you ditch = less plastic.

Reusable wipes are super handy for all of those messy moments. Super absorbent, textured and durable, meaning they can be washed over and over again. When you're out they can be transported in a sealable tin/box and they can be kept damp/fresh with some water a couple drops of essential oil. They can be used for bums, hands or faces to reduce your plastic footprint.

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